
Let's talk about living things! Did you know that flowers belonged to the group of living organisms? Did you know that a flower has parts just like us human beings? YES, THEY DO! Here's a picture of the Beautiful Hibiscus Flower! Let's list the Parts of the Hibiscus Flower! PISTIL STIGMA STYLE OVARY STAMEN  FILAMENT ANTHER POLLEN TUBE OVULE PETAL SEPAL RECIPTACLE PEDICIL Now lets see where they located on the flower! Every part of our body has a different purpose; Just like in the flower!  Let's learn about each part.. 1. Pistil -the    female parts of the flower, consisting of the stigma, ovary and the style • Stigma -  sticky portion at the top of the style where pollen grains usually land • Style -   the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma, grows pollen tube • Ovary - contains ovules; after fertilisation , the ovary swells to produ